Mission4Milk – It’s Time To Stand Together

  • by Anna Tomlinson

Mission4Milk Update

Mission4Milk is still going strong and over the past 6 months, we’ve ramped up our campaign to target the consumer directly. We’ve been selling roadside banners around the country to spread the message about the health benefits of milk – They’ve ended up on the back of milk floats, forage wagons, and we’ve even noticed banners on lots of busy main roads around Cheshire.

Mission4Milk Takes Dairy Tech

But, we knew this simply wasn’t going to be enough, the health message of milk needs to be spread far and wide if we are going to make even a fraction of a change to consumer purchasing habits, which are decreasing as we speak!

Mole Valley Farmers answered our plea and have wholeheartedly got behind the Mission4Milk campaign. We were able to give away 100 free roadside banners at Dairy Tech to the public from all over the country. We must thank Mole Valley Farmers and RADBF, as, without the support of businesses like that, we simply could not continue to promote how fantastic the dairy industry really is.

Mission4Milk – It’s Time To Stand Together

We’ve seen the data, we know that despite what individuals are saying, milk production is increasing, but milk consumption is in decline. It might be the 98.5% of households still buy liquid milk (AHDB), but there is still a decline. In 1974, the average per capita consumption was 140 litre per year, and the 2018 statistics show a decline of 50% (DEFRA). Considering a simple supply and demand equation, it means we have a problem, and as an industry, WE need to do something about it!

If you want to back your industry buy a banner or get in touch!

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